Geek Out!
A girl has the right to geek out. Sorry if I get some on you.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
I know it's been awhile since I posted. It's not so much that I have nothing to say, it's just that the stuff that's been on my mind is something I don't really wanna talk about just yet.

So let's see if I can't find something to say anyway.

I've been hanging out with my con friends almost non-stop lately. We play board games about once a week, and we have meetings every other week, and we've been seeing midnight movies every week as well. We're doing all this hanging out to build up close, trusting ties. It's pretty well established that almost all of our staff's previous problems were caused by a serious lack of communication and trust. The rest of the problems were from stubborn and/or arrogant and/or fucking insane attitudes of certain staff members. So as long as we keep hanging out, having fun, and being honest with one another, we're not going to have the drama and miscommunication issues that we've had.

Erm... what else? I finished watching Ghost Hunt, what an amazing show! Watch it, cuz it freaking rocks!

I challenged myself to go a whole week without caffeine. I had a headache for four days, but I swear, I lost 3 lbs from not drinking anything caffeinated. I had a few Sprites, which are caffeine free, and I had a decaf coffee. I don't really feel great like people tell you you will when you kick caffeine, but I feel good enough the experience to try to rid myself of caffeine as much as possible. Keeping myself away from soda is going to be tough, but I'll try my best! It's part of my plan to get healthier. Since I've kind of gotten sick again, I want to try and eliminate as many bad habits and health choices as I can. Going to the gym more often is one of the things I'd like to do, though my airways are seriously rebelling. I seriously need to go to the doctor. Well, not my usual doctor since I don't particularly put that much faith in her since after several years, she has yet to actually help me with anything. It was the one time I saw the other doctor that I got prescribed something that actually worked xP

Well, that's enough for now. I have to write up a committee report for my Sunday staff meeting

Posted by Cat at 9:35 PM | 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Yesterday Jon, Josh, Nick and I visited the Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center as a possible location for con next year. It's a beautiful venue! I seriously hope we can afford it and get the dates we want. It's got this big outdoor pavilion that's climate controlled that would perfect for all of our major events. There's a covered path that leads to the pavilion and I think will be a gem when it comes to line control. There's a big ballroom that will serve well for the Dealer's Room/Artist' Alley. There's a few smaller conjoining rooms that'll work for Gaming Rooms. A huge board room with built-in projector and screen will be a brilliant Anime Room, as well as a nice place to serve as a Spillover Room for the people who can't get into the Masquerade. We'll project the contents of the Masquerade into the Spillover Room, that way no one misses out. The downstairs has an amazing couple of conference rooms that will be great panel rooms. There's a brilliant room with a beautiful round table, connected to another room with a few chairs and a bathroom, and it IS Con Ops. Unfortunately, the hallways are fairly narrow, so we have to use a semi-spacious room for Registration. We found a fantastic room though, and it can be locked up, so no one has to watch over the computers overnight. Overall, I dearly hope we can get this venue, because it's more or less exactly what we need.

I started watching Meine Liebe, which I'd been told by Tinne was great, full of pretty boys. I Wikipedia'd the show to find a plot description. There was none 0.0 There were no character descriptions either. The only thing I did find was the voice actor list, which is one of the most impressive for any one show. Seki Tomokazu, Seki Toshihiko, Koyasu Takehito, Sakurai Takehiro, Hoshi Souichiro, and Ishida Akira. Holy cow~! If they could have gotten Miki Shin'ichiro and Midorikawa Hikaru (and yeah, Ito Kentaro as well), they'd have all of my favorites. Well, Jouji Nakata would be nice too :3 Yeah, I'm obsessed. Anyhow, so how an amazing cast that has BOTH Seki's in it could possibly suck is beyond me, but Meine Liebe succeeded in just that. They must have spent all of their budget on the seiyuu and not that much on the animation, but it mediocre quality. But what bugged me the most was the character's faces. I've never seen such expressionless faces in a recent show. One of the best parts about anime is how much emotion the artists can express through a character's eyes, eyebrows, and mouths. Meine Liebe might have just starred a both of robots xP

So, after three episodes I quit Meine Liebe. I just couldn't watch it with it's horrifically bad dialog and non-existent plot. So I picked up another show instead. Whilst searching for Zombie-Loan icons, I found an icon-maker who had a few Z-L ones, but she was actually a major fan of something called Ghost Hunt. Her icons sparked some interest in the show. Z-L left me wanting for some more paranormal stuff, and Ghost Hunt looked liked it was a little darker than Z-L. The last time I watched something dark, it was Higurashi Naku Koro Ni, which I found to be pretty messed up. Perhaps it was that the main male character looks like Seishirou in Tsubasa (not so much X tho), that I was instantly drawn to the show without knowing what it was about. So, not bothering to Wikipedia the plot, I dove in, hungry for something quality.


Ghost Hunt is what a lot of ghost-hunting shows on the History Channel are like, but with, you know, results. It's about a high school girl (Mai) who gets roped into becoming an assistant to the narcissistic young head of a paranormal research company (nicknamed Naru-chan). Naru's cases are often helped out by several other experts in the paranormal field; a self-styled Shinto priestess, a bass-playing Buddhist monk, an Australian Catholic Priest, and a young TV medium. These mismatched characters work together to discover what's behind a haunting and try to expel the spirit or poltergeist or whatever the troublesome creature is.

What I like about Ghost Hunt is how it manages to be spooky and funny at the same time. The characters tend to be comedic around each other, but the action of the show is pretty spooky in my opinion. Especially when the cast is watching something on one of Naru's many cameras. Then it's really something out of Ghost Hunters. I have to admit, I was hooked within one episode. I'm only seven episodes into the show, but I know already that I'll be wanting a second season.

So that's all well and good. The icon girl also got me interested in another anime, which I'll get into when I finally get around to seeing it :3

Posted by Cat at 1:04 PM | 5 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
I'm really psyched for Otakon this year. Not because I expect it to be any good, but because of who I'm going to be with. Of course I'm rounding up my two BFFs, but I'm dragging out a small crew from St. Louis with me. So far, Audry, Natale, and I are planning out our road trip out there. We haven't made much progress in the planning, but I think we're pretty ground in the idea that we'll go. Nick, Jon and Josh are all making plans to go as well, and I'm trying to make plans for things we all can do. Ken also expressed interest in also making the trip with his wife. And Julie might go if she has the money. So WOW, that's a lot of people I'm kind of taking responsibility for finding shelter for. My friend Richard's mom works for Marriott, and he can get us super-cheap rooms at nice hotels, so all that's left is to pick when we want to leave and get back, then ask Richard how many hotel rooms he can actually book.

I'm excited that Yamaguchi Kappei will be at Otakon this year, he's a fantastic seiyuu. American voice actor Richard Epcar will also be there, and while I've loved his voice as several roles, I don't really care to battle the crowds to see him. We talked about trying to book him as a guest at our own convention, so that would be sweet x3 Anyway, the thing about con this year is... I don't really know if I want to cosplay. To me, going to con without a costume on is just strange. I've been cosplaying for years. But I don't have the time or skill to throw together a new costume, and while I love my Itachi (Naruto) costume, I've already worn it to two cons this year. I've done my Nanao (Bleach) costume two years in a row. Neither of them are incredibly comfortable, and wearing them to Otakon, in the blistering Baltimore August is not something I'm looking forward to.

Nanao is a costume that I love a lot, and I can carry a lot of stuff in the giant hollow book that I carry, and I can wear my glasses. But the shoes aren't comfortable, the hakama require a safety pin to hold up properly, and the book becomes bulky when looking through the art and dealer rooms.

Itachi is a pretty comfortable costume, but the shoes are too big and I have only a small pouch carry my stuff in. Not too mention that costume requires chest-binding and I can't wear my classes. My blind Itachi is a hilarious costume, but I think there's going to be a sickening amount of Akatsuki present, and I'm not really a fan of cosplaying the same thing as everyone else (it was okay at Naka-kon and Anime St. Louis because of the small size of those cons).

I don't have any older costumes that I'm really interested in redoing that don't require remaking a prop, piece of the costume, or hairpiece. In other words, older costumes would be a pain in the ass. I don't have the time or energy to do a new costume either, since there's only one costume I'm interested in doing at the moment.

I feel bad because Bradwen and I had talked about doing Gintama costumes, but the character I would potentially play would require buying an expensive wig and an outfit I don't personally have the ability to make.

This year I really want to have a bag to carry things in, I want to be totally comfortable with what I'm wearing, especially shoes. If we end up seeing the Jam Project concert, I want to be able to peel off some layers and not look like a retard. But I really can't walk into a con without dressing up somehow. Remembering Rei-chan's awesome outfit that she threw together last year, I want to try for something similar. My problem with that is that I don't own a lot of really neat clothing like Rei-chan does, and I don't really want to spend money on expensive Hot Topicy stuff. I think I need to really rummage though my stuff and see what I can cut up, alter, resew, etc. *sigh* I'm just not up to Rei-chan's level of clothing awesomeness. Of course, if I was as skinny as her, I'd probably own a lot more clothing xD

So I'm still kind of on the fence. I don't wanna let Audry and Natale down, since we were all gonna redo our Naruto costumes together, but I really want to do something different this year. I'm also a little afraid that if I don't do a costume, as soon as I get there, I'm going to wish I had. After all, I love the attention I get by cosplaying (vain, I know, but it's the truth). So if I don't cosplay, then the clothing I wear has to compensate somehow.

Argh! Can't decide....

Posted by Cat at 7:12 PM | 2 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Second day of the yard sale is done, and the whole thing is now over. I made about $80, so I'm happy. I'd go on, but it wasn't really that different from Wednesday. So I'll just say that I'm totally beat, and tomorrow I have to clean the house before half of my extended extended family shows up for a Father's Day dinner.

So I'm getting some early sleep, as much as I'd like to keep watch Iron Chef American: Battle CORN!

Posted by Cat at 10:09 PM | 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
At the convention meeting last night, I finally got to meet Heather, Nick's friend who would be joining our staff. Turns out she lives just around the corner from me! We got a lot done during the meeting, made a lot of solid decisions that really help out my Marketing Committee. After that, a bunch of us went out to TGIFriday's to kill time and fill stomachs before the midnight showing of Hulk. I was able to really chat with Heather, who I think I'm going to get along with pretty well, we have a decent amount in common, and I offered to help her out with learning some Japanese.

Well, anyhow, we waited for awhile in line, made it in to the movie theater, scampered back and forth for seats, and got to see The Incredible Hulk. I honestly had no real expectations for the movie, having avoided the previous Hulk movie, and having never seen the TV series or read the comics. The special effects looked good and I like Edward Norton well enough, so I figured I give the movie a shot.

It. Was. GREAT. I think the first chase scene was a smidgen too long, but otherwise, I thought the plot and action were quite excellent. I really liked the slow build up to finally showing Hulk in full light, I like that it took a lot of the movie to show the Hulk transformation. But most of all, I really loved Hulk himself. I mean, he's this huge, overly-muscular green guy, but something about him was kind of cute. Like a big, green, raging, puppy. I really feel that Tim Roth is an odd looking man. His head is too big for his body or his neck is too short or something, and it made him very strange looking without a shirt. In photos, he always looks like his head was photoshopped onto someone else's body xD But he was great in the movie, I enjoyed the progression of his character a lot.

Overall, the movie was great. The only thing that sucked about it was Liv Tyler. I'm not terribly fond of her because of how much her character caused the Lord of the Rings series to drag. But since I'm not too familiar with her other roles, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. And oh how she disappoints. She was downright crap in Hulk. At all times her voice was annoying and she always looked like she was going to cry. I swear, she repeated the same several phrases over and over and cried half the time. The only good moment that she provides without Norton is her screaming at the taxi driver.

One of the really great things about the movie is that you don't have to have any background knowledge of the Hulk comics to really enjoy the movie. It's great as a stand-alone movie, but it's even better if you've seen Iron Man, as Tony Stark makes a small appearance. We joked that with Iron Man ending with Nick Fury telling Stark about a "team" they're putting together, and then Stark telling Ross at the end of Hulk about that same team, that probably at the end of Indiana Jones, Indie is approached by Bruce Banner to come join the team, and then at the end of his big race, Speed Racer is then approached by Indiana Jones to join the Avengers as well. Then Speed Racer has the same chat with Bruce Wayne after Dark Knight. Before you know it, every summer blockbuster movie character will be part of the Avenger Initiative.

So, if you weren't going to go see Hulk because it isn't your thing, go see it anyway!

I saw the preview for Hellboy II, and I gotta say, I really want to see it! I didn't see the first one, having no interest and thinking it would be a flop. But, having just seen the sequel preview, I'm needing to borrow the first movie so I can be prepped for the awesomeness that I'm thinking the second will be. I mean, it's got these albino elves, how can it go wrong? xD

Posted by Cat at 8:48 PM | 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ito Kentaro is slowly becoming one of my favorite voice actors, otherwise known as seiyuu. I have a great passion for seiyuu. I just read a statistic that says that 60% of the world's animated series are produced in Japan. The booming animation industry is what allows Japan to produce superb voice actors that are well-paid and have a solid fanbase. My issues with the American voice acting industry have a lot to with it's severe lack of quality actors. As anime becomes more popular in America, there more voice actors that are needed. My problem is that companies have realized that certain voice actors are popular, and keep employing them. These actors are good, but in my opinion, have very little range. They're good at one or two voices, and never stray far beyond those. So David Lucas/Steve Blum is incredibly recognizable because every character he plays sounds almost exactly the same. There's a finite number of talented voice actors in the US/Canadian anime industry, and that's why I think most people prefer to watch in Japanese whenever possible. There are two important reasons why the Japanese cast of a show is thought to be better than the English cast. First, because the English cast usually sounds like they're acting parts, the Japanese cast sounds like the characters. The tones, the subtle noises, all sound natural. And even with training and support from the Japanese directors, the English cast are TERRIBLE at pronouncing Japanese words and names, which appear in most shows. So the overall quality of a Japanese cast is better than an American/Canadian one. The other reason for the continuous love of the Japanese cast is simply that most American fans don't know any better. If a seiyuu isn't that great, or if a show is terribly over-acted, Americans generally have no way of knowing without having extensive knowledge of the culture and language. How do you know if the conversation in anime sounds natural unless you've heard an actual conversation between Japanese people?

Anyway, I didn't mean to rant on that, what I really wanted to talk about is Ito Kentaro and a few of the characters he's played.

The first time I heard him was as Akimichi Chouji in Naruto. Of all his roles that I've actually heard him play, this is the one of the most unique. Chouji has kind of a puffy, roundish voice, with a little roughness to it. Roughness to me having the meaning of kind of scratchy & abrasive (but never in a bad way). Unfortunately, Choujii doesn't exactly have a lot of lines, not with so many other dominant characters in Naruto.

The second time I heard him wasn't actually Bleach like one might think. It was as Alford in Kyou Kara Maou, the holy-sword wielding hero who makes small, infrequent appearances. It's a bit part, but totally unlike the other characters I've heard Ito as. Alford has what I would consider a more normal voice. The roughness that Ito is so good at is minimal in Alford. Alford sounds very round, solid, very much like a typical hero.

Then I heard Ito in Bleach, as Abarai Renji, who is hands-down my favorite character. Renji enters the show in a sort of villainous light, but is revealed to be a noble-hearted albeit rough-around-the-edges underdog. The reason why I've become an Ito fan is because of Renji. Before the character was even fully shown, he had a line, and the way he said the line sent little shivers up my spine. "Kuchiki Rukia... mitsuketa~" Not a big or particularly important line, but the voicing he did provided the perfect effect. I loved the character the moment I heard his voice. Renji has a rough, growly voice, a little deep, with his softer lines having a certain roundness to them. I like that about Renji because he does have a soft side to him, and Ito does a wonderful job proving that in his voice.

A couple of months ago I started watching Saiunkoku Monogatari, which has Ito voicing Ro Ensei, a temporary provincial governor who makes a better bounty hunter than an official. Ensei has a similar voice to Renji. It's less abrasive, and since Ensei doesn't yell as much as Renji, there's a slightly rounder quality to it. Ensei is overall a gentler character than Renji, and occasionally has to use politer speech than most other characters Ito plays. I was pleasantly surprised at how long it took me to figure out that it was Ito playing Ensei, though actually that happened several times with other characters & their seiyuu in Saiunkoku.

Most recently, I watched Zombie-Loan. Ito comes in as a character that I imagine has a bigger role in the manga, but since Z-L is so short, this character, Sotetsu, didn't have a lot of screen time. At first I was a little disappointed that Sotetsu didn't sound the least bit different from Renji (though I think his grammar is a little different). All of the vocal qualities are just like Renji's, but it works perfectly for Sotetsu's personality. Strangely enough, Renji and Sotestu kind of look alike, so I hope this isn't the beginning of Ito being typecast. So far, the roles I've seen him play aren't really similar to one another, and I'd like it if he didn't end up playing the same kind of role every time like some other voice actors.

So anyway, I'm becoming quite the Ito fan, and I'll probably try and watch some shows that I know he's in. I'm somewhat amused at the frequency of which Ito voices in the same show a Sakurai Takahiro, who will no doubt be the next seiyuu I blog about.

Posted by Cat at 2:01 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Well, after days of preparation, we finally began the yard sale. Kathy's neighbor Cheryl and I planned it a month ago, and everyone pitched in stuff to sell. It's a bit of a pisser since Lucy is making as much money as me during this sale, but I'm doing all the work. Today I woke up at 5:30 am (after getting maybe 3 hours of sleep), and was astounded to realize that at 6:30 in the morning, people were already waiting for the yard sale to start. Good grief, don't you have anything better to do at 6:30 in the morning? Like sleep for example.

Well, anyhow, the yard sale was very successful, though I pretty well baked outside in the sun, despite multiple applications of sunscreen, carrying a parasol, and sitting in the shade. Right now I'm so thoroughly exhausted I don't care how much money we made. I'll deal with that on Saturday when we do the whole thing again, but with more customers. Despite the heat and sunburn and tiring nature of the venture, it was still pretty fun.

In other news, for lack of more subbed episodes of Saiunkoku to watch, I have finally followed Audry's advice and began watching Zombie-Loan, which is fairly amusing. I think when I finish Z-L, and I start reading the manga, perhaps I'll start watching Meine Liebe, which Tinne insisted I watch ages ago. I don't really know what the plot is, but it has my favorite voice actors in it, so it can't possibly be bad xD Takehito Koyasu, Takahiro Sakurai, Hoshi Souichiro (who's give or take with me), Seki Toshihiko, Ishida Akira, but most importantly, Seki Tomokazu, my favorite seiyuu/celebrity ever! Getting to see him at Otakon last year was a dream come true for me, I've been in love with his voice for 6 or 7 years.

I have a convention meeting tomorrow, which feels weird because I have nothing prepared for it. But I swear, if other staffers keep giving me "advice" and "ideas" that I came up with last year, I'll get annoyed. I threw all of my ideas out at a meeting last year, and if someone wasn't there, doesn't remember, then that's fine, but how about letting me talk about how I want to run my committee and the ideas I have before someone not on my committee gives me advice. It's not a big deal, but it annoyed me a lot at the last meeting, and I know I got a little snippy, which I'd like not to have happen again. I just get offended when I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot, and I know that was definitely not their intention, it's still how I felt.

Anyhow... I seriously need to wash up after being all sweaty outside today xP

Posted by Cat at 4:27 PM | 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The party Friday was a blast! But before the party could even begin, we had some really bad storms :P The party was set to start at 4, and Natale called to tell me she was going to try and come early to avoid the storms rolling in to her town. Of course, when she called to tell me this, my county was under a tornado warning, flash flood warning, and the thunder and lightning were pretty scary. The tornado warning had just been taken down when the tornado sirens started going off in my neighborhood. I grabbed my cat and computer and hid in the basement for a little while until the sirens stopped. No funnel cloud actually touched down or anything, but it was still scary O.o Well, the highway exit got flooded again, which meant that everyone but Natale got stuck in really terrible traffic and came late xD Well anyway, I made my curry, and everybody liked it, so yay! Jon, Julie, and Nick had brought some alcohol, and Jon had us taking shots of Mango Parrot Bay (it wasn't very strong), and that was a fun mixture when the board games began. Jon was quite drunk quite quickly, which was funny to watch. I took some video of our Cranium game on my camera. Ken had to leave early, but everyone else stuck around for some Wii, which we didn't play for everyone since alcohol is a depressant and everyone started getting tired. Julie had never seen Heroes before, so we watched a few episodes, which put Nick and Jon to sleep. By 11:30 or so Nick had sobered up enough for his 5-minute drive home. I forced Jon to lay down on one of the guest beds, where he snored xD Natale was pretty tired, so she crashed as well. Julie and I stayed up until about 4 am chatting away, and eventually we passed out too. I probably got about an hour and a half of sleep before my cat woke me up so I could feed her. Then I slept for another two hours and woke up when Jon and Julie had to leave. After they left I tried to sleep on the couch for a little while, but the cat kept bothering me. Natale got up, and we watched Saiunkoku until she had to leave. I spent the rest of Saturday watching Saiunkoku and cleaning up after the party, which was mostly a lot of dishes xP

So last night I finally watched the last two episodes of the 4th season of Lost. I really wanna know what the hell just happened. My thoughts on the final two episodes without giving anything away are thus: I'm really happy for Des, but I have a bad feeling that it won't last. Sun scares me now. I love Ben even more. I hate Locke even more. I hate Jack even more, which is sad, because I was one of the few who actually liked Jack for a long time. I want to know what Sawyer whispered to Kate. Awww.... poor Hurley needs a hug. I'm sorry.... Walt? What's the deal with Richard? Sayid is still hot <3

Today I worked on getting stuff together for a yard sale. Kathy's neighbor and I are going to have a yard sale Wednesday and Saturday, so I need to get things ready. The problem is, I've never had to price things for a yard sale before. Tomorrow I'm going to have my grandmother, the Yard Sale Queen, help me out with pricing. Unfortunately, it being allergy season, that time of the month, and me starting to get sick in the airways again is really zapping all my energy. It's like "Mmmmm, I have a sinus headache, cramps, and chest pains all at the same time. I'd like to die now, kthnxbai." xD

Posted by Cat at 8:20 PM | 3 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mamma Mia! Here I go again...

So last night mom and I saw Mamma Mia at the Fox Theater. It was pretty good, a lot funnier than I was expecting. I knew the plot and music in advance as I had bought the original London cast CD for mom for Christmas. But as I listened to it, I couldn't really imagine how the songs actually tied into the story. To be honest, there were a few songs during the play that didn't seem to fit. It felt like the writers were really stretching the plot to fit with the song lyrics, which to me is fairly backwards. And the plot and character development felt rushed, and unfortunately I felt the character of Donna was a little irritating. She starts off as an upbeat and independent woman, but she spent most of the time yelling at everyone because she doesn't feel like dealing with her problems. Which wouldn't be so bad except that it makes the scenes with her a little redundant.

I liked that Sophie's actress wasn't as high-pitched as the CD, because she's a little annoying with that voice. A little annoying. I can't really complain too much, I listen to loads of Asian music... Anyway, the dancing in the play was just fantastic! The best dancing scene had to be Lay All Your Love on Me, which involved good-looking guys in scuba gear, dancing in flippers xD My favorite scene was probably Dancing Queen for the humor, but the best part of the whole night was the encore. All the actors come out, bow, and then do a few more songs. The play turned into a concert, with people dancing in their seats and aisles. Overall it was great!

Whew! I did lots of cleaning today. Vacuumed and mopped all upstairs, cleaned two bathrooms, did dishes twice, did laundry, made fancy cupcakes (took forever), rearranged the furniture, wiped the cupboards, etc. I still need to empty the trash cans, put away the dishes & laundry, and have a shower. Tomorrow I need to put things away so my family doesn't look quite so sloppy, and close to the party time, I need to start making the curry and rice. Despite all the work, I like doing it, since it makes me feel accomplished, like "Hey, today I got off my bum and did something!" And then I get to reward myself with the massage mat and an episode or two of Saiunkoku Monogatari <3>

Posted by Cat at 9:38 PM | 3 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Today I got to see my cousin Lucy's new kitten, Jack. While we had advised against her getting a gray striped tabby, which is a death sentence in our family, Jack is so adorable it's okay. Hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon, as I took a few today. It was especially funny to see itty bitty Jack attempting to take on Homer, my aunt's 14 lb long hair cat.

Felines aside, I'm very pleased to announce my parents are going away for the weekend, so I'm inviting some people over for a little Wii & board game party. I've already laid out a menu, and I'm determined not to bungle up cooking Japanese-style curry, which I have been craving terribly for a loooong time. I went to Global Food Market today and bought some Garam Masala, which I can use to make curry from scratch, and I bought Japanese instant curry, which I can just heat up in the microwave, and I bought Japanese curry roux for the party curry, which will be a double batch.

This might be a good time to say: I. Love. Japanese. Curry. Chicken katsu curry is my love. There's nothing like breaded fried chicken sliced atop a bed of steamed rice and smothered in curry. Oh god, I'm getting hungry just typing about it. Anyhow, a few months ago I discovered a manga called Addicted to Curry. An English translation gets updated on I lovelovelove this retarded manga. It's quite silly, since most chefs don't actually get into curry battles, but nevertheless, everytime someone makes curry in the manga, it looks so good, and at the end of each chapter or so there's a recipe of whatever was made that chapter. I'm learning all sorts of neat things from Addicted to Curry, and it's making me crave the food to the point where I just can't freaking stand it anymore. I am now dedicating what little culinary drive I have to learning to make delicious curry!

Sooo... in a giant switch of topic, I think I'm getting sick again. I first got sick in December, and was sick for about 2 straight months with some kind of viral airway infection. Well, either I'm relapsing or something else was wrong with me in the first place, but I had some chestpains today, and there was more blood in my mucus than there was in December, which kind of freaks me out. So it's back to the doctor for me before I end up like I was before, semi-bedridden because most forms of movement left me breathless and with chestpain. xP

On a higher note, tomorrow night I'm going to see Mama Mia at the Fox! Yayness!

Posted by Cat at 12:00 AM | 4 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008

Yesterday was great! We met at Josh's around 2 pm and fiddled around waiting for the stragglers to arrive. Ken and Ashley played a game of air hockey I can only describe as epic and retarded at the same time. After that we carpooled over the mini golf place. I totally rocked the first two holes, then spent the rest of the game sucking terribly. After the 9th hole we took a break to cool down (of course it would be 90 degrees on the one day I'm outside). We resumed the game after Nick kicked Ashley's butt in a round of DDR. After we finally finished mini golf, we headed to Red Robin for a birthday dinner for Josh. I told the waiter that not only was it our friend's birthday, but he should try to embarrass Josh as much as possible. At the end of the dinner, the waiter stood up on a chair and yelled to the whole restaurant that it was Josh's 12th birthday, and then he and the other servers did the sing n clap thing. I'm fairly certain Josh will now launch a revenge scheme for my birthday. While waiting for the check, I collected everyone's straws and connected them all together. I was able to drink from Ken's cup from all the way at the other end of the table. We left the straw standing up (kept in place by various cups and silverware) so that it looked like the arch.

After dinner we all went back to Josh's dungeon basement and played a round of Cranium. Holy cow, Julie and I are really psychic when it comes to that game. We teamed together (again) and there were a few really awesome moments of the game where we were totally in sync. Like a round of Sensosketch, in which Julie had to close her eyes and draw an animal, and within a few seconds I could tell she was drawing Saizo the pig from Peacemaker Kurogane. After Ken and Josh won Cranium we played Clue. I hadn't played Clue in ages, but I really got into the game. I dunnit the first round, and I won! The next round Julie dunnit and won xD

During the board-gaming, Josh's dad came down with some interesting beverages for us to try. Seagrams Escapes, deliciously fruity flavored beer. I wouldn't have believed it was beer if it didn't say it on the label. YUM! I found some nice recipes on the Seagrams website that mom and I are itching to try.

Posted by Cat at 2:16 PM | 1 comments