Geek Out!
A girl has the right to geek out. Sorry if I get some on you.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
I know it's been awhile since I posted. It's not so much that I have nothing to say, it's just that the stuff that's been on my mind is something I don't really wanna talk about just yet.

So let's see if I can't find something to say anyway.

I've been hanging out with my con friends almost non-stop lately. We play board games about once a week, and we have meetings every other week, and we've been seeing midnight movies every week as well. We're doing all this hanging out to build up close, trusting ties. It's pretty well established that almost all of our staff's previous problems were caused by a serious lack of communication and trust. The rest of the problems were from stubborn and/or arrogant and/or fucking insane attitudes of certain staff members. So as long as we keep hanging out, having fun, and being honest with one another, we're not going to have the drama and miscommunication issues that we've had.

Erm... what else? I finished watching Ghost Hunt, what an amazing show! Watch it, cuz it freaking rocks!

I challenged myself to go a whole week without caffeine. I had a headache for four days, but I swear, I lost 3 lbs from not drinking anything caffeinated. I had a few Sprites, which are caffeine free, and I had a decaf coffee. I don't really feel great like people tell you you will when you kick caffeine, but I feel good enough the experience to try to rid myself of caffeine as much as possible. Keeping myself away from soda is going to be tough, but I'll try my best! It's part of my plan to get healthier. Since I've kind of gotten sick again, I want to try and eliminate as many bad habits and health choices as I can. Going to the gym more often is one of the things I'd like to do, though my airways are seriously rebelling. I seriously need to go to the doctor. Well, not my usual doctor since I don't particularly put that much faith in her since after several years, she has yet to actually help me with anything. It was the one time I saw the other doctor that I got prescribed something that actually worked xP

Well, that's enough for now. I have to write up a committee report for my Sunday staff meeting

Posted by Cat at 9:35 PM |


At June 29, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
mmm, just to let you know, I haven't died yet from a lack of gaia in my life.

Why I've actually had time to do stuff like read, sing 80s New Wave with librarians and most surprisingly , go outside!

At June 29, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Blogger lovely_rei said........
Congratz on the caffeine thing. The only thing I can think of to become more healthy for myself is to get out and move more often. Though there is little hope to that lol.