Went to Kohls today and picked up a few shirts and pants that were on sale. I can't wait to wear my new jeans. I really didn't like jeans for a few years. Most jeans in stores were either pre-distressed or suffocatingly tight (slutty). Pre-distressed clothing is a concept I don't understand. How did dressing like a hobo become fashionable? (Jon should be able to tell us) I got teased in high school for having torn jeans, and now it's the look? Anyway, I've been able to find slightly less ridiculous jeans; some comfy stretchy ones that I can distress naturally. So I've enjoyed wearing jeans again. People who knew me in middle school and high school would never imagine me in some of the clothes I wear nowadays. It's not so much that I wanna look good, but I've always just worn what I was comfortable in, and I've gotten comfortable with different clothing. Let's face it though, I'll never be anything close to preppy. Ever. EVER.
I know it's not nice to stereotype, but having a roommate like Brooke back at the apartments at Webster, that really diminishes my respect for preppy people. Two of Webster roommates were the exact kind of people who would have teased me in high school. Brooke wanted to get a job at Coach so she could get a discount on those $500 purses. She went out and bought a several hundred dollar dress and several hundred dollar matching shoes and purse for her wedding rehearsal dinner. She broke up with her boyfriend two months later and I know she didn't return the dress.
It makes me sick to know that such materialism exists. I respect that how each person finds happiness is unique to them, and if $400 shoes make you happy, then that's your thing. I'm happy watching dramatic Japanese cartoons, and no one can tell me that's not my happiness. What bothers me is that society tells us that wearing certain clothing, doing our hair a certain way, engaging in certain hobbies, and having certain priorities is the correct way to be happy. Then they go around and tell us that our core American value is individuality. Blah.