Geek Out!
A girl has the right to geek out. Sorry if I get some on you.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I went to see the new Indiana Jones today! I had been warned of it's iffy plot, so I actually went in with tame expectations. I really enjoyed it, though I did spend a little too long rolling my eyes at the parts involving the origins of the skull (that's the least spoiler way I can think to describe it). If you've seen it already, you know what I'm talking about. I had been warned it was a little hokey, and yes, like all the other Indiana Jones movies, it was a little hokey, but in a very Jonesy way. The action was great, and the required creepy crawly was hands down the creepiest of the crawlies (amazing what you can do with CG). And there's something about Shia LeBeouf as a greaser, dipping his comb in somebody's drink, that's just funny! Good movie, but I probably won't see it again until it comes out on DVD. Next up is Narnia, then I'm dying to see Speed Racer again. My overwhelming nerdiness fell in love with Racer X. It doesn't help that's played by Matthew Fox, and I being one of the few people who don't utterly detest Jack on Lost.... well... yeah...

Nice segway into my Lost rant. No, I'm not gonna moan about how confusing the season finale was. In fact, I haven't gotten to see it yet. The last three weeks that Lost has been showing, I've managed to have meetings on Thursday nights. I'm pretty pissed about it, too, since the first two meets were just ridiculous drama-filled meetings that I seriously would rather not have attended since the second resulted in ruining one of my friendships. I should have made a t-shirt saying "I'd rather be watching Lost." Anyway, so having missed three weeks of Lost, and having my mother pestering me to watch so we can talk about it, I finally sat down to stream it on my laptop. I just barely managed to get through 2 episodes. Holy crap! ABC I hate you >.> I kept having to restart the episode because it would foul up somewhere along the way, and it didn't help that my computer is usually pretty laggy. I gave up. I'll watch the remaining episodes on the desktop tomorrow, because I'm too frustrated with it on the laptop.

Tomorrow is Josh's birthday, and apparently a bunch of us are going to play put-put golf, which should be fun. It's sort of making me think about what I'd like to do for my birthday. I'll probably drag everybody out for Indian food (my craving for curry should be explained in another post entirely), and then do karaoke at the Korean karaoke place. I'd rather do Japanese karaoke, but Koreana is the only Asian-style karaoke place I know of in St. Louis. I don't know Korean! Well, I know some of the lyrics to Eugene's song Cha Cha, but that hardly counts. When I went to Koreana for Alisa's birthday, I sang Youha's Houki Boshi, and was soooo happy that I didn't bungle up the lovely Japanese lyrics. Some blog soon I'll gush about how much I love that song. For now, some sleep is due.

Posted by Cat at 11:51 PM | 5 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Holy smokes Dr. Jones, I have a new blog! What are the odds? I gave up blogging due to the immense frustration of my friends scolding me for not posting enough, and then not reading when I did. But lately I've missed blogging, because I do love to blog, to get all my thoughts off my chest and out of mind for all to see. Sure saves my phone bill...

So, onto the stuff that went through my head today!

There's this guy at the gym. I've seen him there twice, and I can't take my eye off him. Not because he's attractive (and he is), but because I keep thinking "God, that guy looks like Clark Kent!" He's got that handsome face and nice muscles and glasses, but his hair is too short. Actually, his hair is just like my high school friend, Cullen Thompson (despite all our commonalities, no relation). Anyway, this gym guy is going to think I'm in love with him because I keep staring. Little does he know that I am actually searching to see if he's wearing blue, red, and yellow spandex.

Anyway, that's all for the first blog! I will probably be posting quite a lot more from now on, so look forward to it, all you non-existent readers!

Posted by Cat at 8:39 PM | 3 comments